Friday, November 08, 2013

Flower Mural

As a project to get to know my new group of girls from grade 5 & 6 I decided it would be fun and great team building to do a mural together. Thanks to my wonderful father-in-law I have access to great big pieces of paper!

We looked at both photos and pictures of flowers .I told them we would paint a field together! The idea was to fill the entire paper. They drew the outlines, some preferred to start painting without pencil.

Each girl found a space and got started .It took longer for some to feel confident and comfortable but at the end of the class they were all into it! We used a mix of tempera and gouache paints.

For the first lesson we painted the flowers, leaves, butterflies and even some ants & then the following week we painted the background. The background really brought the girls together as a group because they were all doing the same thing and they were feeling more confident.

I suggested they outline everything in black but the girls decided as a group against it.

Looking at the photos I think they made a great choice! It is delicate and beautiful just like my group of girls!

It now adorns the wall in our studio and everybody admires it!! I am so proud of my girls!!
It was a great way to start the year !!!
Starting to take shape

Each girl finding her space
Working together with lovely ideas and beautiful colours!
Adding some grass

Connecting the flowers with stalks

Working so nicely together

Background almost finished 


Simply magnificent !!!Well done girls!!!

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